Journal of Mammalogy and Mammalian Species are now available online to all ASM members with back issues available via JSTOR. Members will also receive print copies of the Journal for an annual membership fee of $45 for regular members ($35 for students), or they may elect to receive online only versions of both publications for an annual fee of $30 ($20 for members in developing countries). Institutions may subscribe at a rate of $205 for print and online access to the Journal, $55 for online-only access to Mammalian Species, or $250 for both publications.

PDF files for the first 739 Mammalian Species accounts (1969 to 2003) are also available online via the URL below:


Twenty-four to 30 accounts are planned for publication in 2007. Each account is 2–14 pages in length and reviews the biology of a particular species in a standard format.

Mammalian Species accounts are produced by assignment only. Upon written request to the Editor for Mammalian Species, exclusive privileges to produce an account will be granted for 3 years; a 1-year extension may be requested if a manuscript is near completion at the end of the initial assignment. At the Editor's discretion, assignments not submitted at the end of this period may be cancelled. A maximum of 5 species may be reserved at 1 time. No free copies are given to authors; page charges may be paid on a voluntary basis.

Mammalian Species will be available online only to all ASM members, beginning in 2006; print copies will no longer be published. Orders for yearly sets of accounts within the past 5 years should be sent to Kathy Votaw, ASM Association Manager, 810 East 10th Street, P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044; 785-843-1235; FAX -1274; Individual accounts are no longer available for purchase. Requests for assignment of species and other editorial queries should be addressed to Meredith Hamilton, Editor of Mammalian Species, Department of Zoology, 430 Life Sciences West, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, 405-744-9685; FAX -7824;


The Mammal Images Library is a non-profit education service of the American Society of Mammalogists with the goal of providing images of mammals for educational purposes worldwide. The present collection consists of >1,500 images depicting nearly 800 species, 440 genera, 100 families, and 24 orders. More than 110,000 images are now in use at >3,000 institutions in about 50 countries. Most of the images are available for non-profit use, in a form suitable for optical projection, on the Mammal Images Library webpage at the ASM website ( In addition to optical projection for non-profit instruction, many of the images can be employed (with permission) for other purposes, including commercial uses. To obtain a catalog that describes the images and gives other information, send US$4 (US$5 outside USA) to Elmer J. Finck, Department of Biological Sciences, Fort Hays State University, 600 Park Street, Hays, KS 67601-4099; 785-628-4214; A simple listing of the images can be obtained free from the same address. For permission to use images for purposes other than non-profit optical projection, contact the committee chair: Matthew E. Hopton;; 513-759-6551.

The Library continually seeks new images for the collection and urges anyone having images to contribute them. For information about contributing images, contact the committee chair. The committee thanks the 160 persons who have contributed images thus far.

In 1992, the Library instituted a program whereby grants in the form of images can be obtained by educational institutions in developing countries. About 60 grants to applicants from 20 countries have been awarded thus far. Institutions can select up to 50 images of their choice, and can reapply annually. Information about the program can be obtained from John O. Whitaker, Jr., Department of Life Sciences, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809; The Mammal Images Library urges ASM members to assist this effort by supplying information about appropriate institutions.


The ASM Membership Committee has devised a method of providing membership in ASM to mammalogists from outside the United States and Canada who wish to become members, but simply cannot afford to. Some members already sponsor ASM membership for foreign mammalogists on a continual basis. However, others who are unable to provide a full membership on a continual basis, may wish to contribute a partial membership or a full membership during some years. Such is now possible through contributions to the Sponsor Fund. The Fund will be handled as follows:

  1. a. From time-to-time, a form on which a member can state his or her name, address, and amount of donation to the Sponsor Fund will be printed in the back of the Journal of Mammalogy and on the reverse of the mailing label that accompanies the Journal.

  2. b. When money in the Fund reaches any multiple of the current amount for annual dues, dues for a mammalogist in need of sponsorship will be paid. Contributions will be used directly to sponsor foreign members: the Fund will not be of the type from which only the interest is used to pay memberships.

  3. c. Money in the Fund will be managed through the Secretary-Treasurer's office.

  4. d. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be designated as the sponsor of record.

  5. e. At the end of 3 years members of the Membership Committee will verify that sponsored individuals still need and want sponsorship. Sponsorship from the Fund could extend to a maximum of 5 years.

Members should submit names and mailing and e-mail addresses of foreign mammalogists in need of sponsorship to the chair of the Membership Committee: Michael R. Gannon, Department of Biology, Penn State University, 3000 Ivyside Park, Altoona, PA 16601-3760; 814-949-5210;


The 5th European Congress of Mammalogy, ECM5, will be held in Grosseto, in the Tuscany region of Italy, 6-11 September 2007. The congress will focus on research on European mammals (but contributions from other regions are welcome). The town of Grosseto lies between Siena and the Mediterranean in the beautiful Maremma Toscana region, and the congress site is between the city and the seaside. The congress will include plenary sessions, workshops, standard sessions of submitted papers, and a poster session. Submitted papers will be organized into 4 sessions: Rodents and lagomorphs, Insectivores and bats, Ungulates, and Carnivores. ECM5 will be hosted by University of Siena – Polo Universitario Grossetano in cooperation with the Societas Europaea Mammalogica. The organizers are Ernesto Capanna ( and Sandro Lovari ( More information is available online at the Congress website,


An international conference on Felid Biology and Conservation will be held 17–21 September 2007 at Oxford University, United Kingdom, organized by the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit in partnership with the IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group. The conference is open to professionals, graduate students and conservationists with an interest in the Felidae. Plenary and poster sessions will cover aspects of felid systematics, paleontology, biogeography, genetics, ecology, behavior, physiology, management and conservation biology. Additionally there will be a series of workshops on felid conservation. For further information contact Dr. Andrew Loveridge, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Tubney House, Tubney OX13 5QL, UK. Tel: +44 1865 393115; E-mail:; Web:


Members and subscribers are advised that the Journal of Mammalogy is mailed in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Address changes MUST be in the hands of Kathy Votaw, ASM Association Manager, 810 East 10th Street, P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044; 785-843-1235; FAX -1274; by the 1st day of the month of mailing. United States addresses must have zip codes. Address changes are expedited if former address, with zip code, is included.


The Journal of Mammalogy accepts submissions of manuscripts via the Internet. The online system, AllenTrack, allows authors to submit manuscripts online and will speed transmission of manuscripts between reviewers and editors. Submit manuscripts at

Buddy System for Authors

ASM has a “buddy system” to assist authors who are not native English speakers. “Buddies” are mammalogists who have offered to preview manuscripts that need editorial revision for English. Authors interested in having a manuscript previewed should contact the Journal Editor or an Associate Editor for Journal of Mammalogy. Individuals interested in having their names added to the list of "buddies" should contact William Lidicker (


The National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) is now accepting proposals for sabbatical scholars, working groups, and catalysis meetings. Proposals are accepted twice a year, with June 15 and December 1 deadlines. Proposals for post-doctoral fellowships are accepted at the December 1 deadline. Proposals for short-term visitors are considered 4 times a year, with deadlines on January 1, April 1, July 1, and September 1. For more information, please see our website at https://


Copies of classified announcements should be submitted to La Donna Clark, Allen Press, Inc., 810 East 10th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044; phone 800-627-0932, ext 262; FAX 785-843-1853; e-mail These announcements must be received at least 2 months prior to the publication date and should specify the number of issues the announcement is to appear in. The charge will be $90.00 for 5 lines and $5.00 each additional line. This charge will be billed after each insertion.

Translations of Czech, German, Russian, and Slovak original texts. Have them done by a fellow mammalogist! Dr. Emil Kucera, 74 Deer Lodge Place, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3J 2B8, (204) 885-4071;

"COMMENTS AND NEWS," Journal of Mammalogy 88(4), 1115-1116, (1 August 2007).[1115:CAN]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 August 2007
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